Book Review | Teen Ink

Book Review

June 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Book Review

“The Leader who had No Title”

 A modern new fable on real success in business and in life.

This great book is written by “Robin Sharma”, who is widely known as a great man for leadership, this book (The Leader who had No Title) has been sold 15 million copies worldwide people have a great review about this book on the website of Robin Sharma, He has written many books on different topics however his books have the top ranks in selling and this book is one of them it is contains 200 pages and I went through this book with 2 weeks I have spend approximately 20 hours reading this and I consider this was the most great time of my life.

In this book he taught new and modern techniques of Leadership by relating an interesting story of Blake, in this fable story a very great character was introduced there were 5 teachers and one charming boy Blake, who had completely transformed his entire life by meeting his 5 great teachers every of them gave a productive lesson about LWT (Lead without title) for leading the life more successful that he applied on his life and become successful Leader.                   I would like to share brief here.

I = Innovation

M = Mastery

A = Authentication

G = Guts

E = Ethics

These acronyms were taught by the first teacher of LWT which gave a sense of grin into mediocre life.

S = Speak with Candor

P = Prioritize 

A = Adversity bleeds opportunity

R = Respond versus React

K = Kudos for Everyone

The second transforming meeting of Blake with second Teacher has bought him to realize more about “SPARK” The great quotation he also shared. “life begins at the end of comfort zone”

Furthermore there were two more meet up held in the great story of Blake about LWT which were my favorites, if you are really curious reading about them must go throw this tremendous book, Robin Sharma has a very dynamic way of writing and teaching this was the first book of him I have read and eventually now curious to read some more.

The thing that really inspired me was the concept of Stain-Glass that give a giant motivation learning more about life, Stain-Glass is made up of all the beliefs rules and way of being taught to you by your parents, teacher, peers and every influence that has shaped you from the moment you were born and all that event in your life has created a story that you have sold to yourself, It was really an amazing philosophy I have ever read.  

If you really want to learn about “Personal Leadership” this book will help you unlashing your inner potential and leadership here are some Fundamental points I have learnt which are as follows;

1. Learning Reading from the books will inspire you, strengthen your character, and remind you of the examples of the greatest leaders of our world also, listen to audio books on subject relating from business or study, that motivates you maintain your relationships personal motivation.

2. Affirmations One of the single best way to break limiting beliefs and failure programs is continuously repetition of positive statements you commit to create for example “Today I am focused, excellent, and stunningly passionate in all I do” a number of time at the beginning of your day will create the mind-set of champion and a winning emotion state for you.

3. Visualization The mind works through pictures. Most great leaders like Nelson, Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin-began with a series of pictures set in the imagination of their goals. All outer achievements began within the mind. All the progress is nothing more than invisible creativity made visible. So during your Personal Leadership Hour, Make time to close your eyes imagine yourself realizing your goals, playing at your best that fully awakening your inner leader.

4. Journaling   Writing in a journal is a great strong way to become clearer thinker, to build massive amount of self awareness, and to record your intended outcomes, during spending time with yourself note insights, feelings, hopes and dreams. Also process through any frustrations you might be experiencing and go deep into your fears. The fear you embrace are the fear you will release. Really get to know yourself and reconnect with all the talent within you that’s just waiting to be unleashed. Your journal is also a place to express gratitude for all you have to memorize your journey through life. Your life is a gift. And so it’s worth recording.

5. Goal Setting Setting and then reconnecting with your goals on a regular basis is a powerful success discipline, your goals will create a fantastic amount of focus in your career and with your life. Goals generate hope and positive energy. Goals also ensure that you live life deliberately and productively versus reactively and accidentally.

6. Exercise I’ll speak more about of moving your body daily to achieve peak performance at work but for now just remember that doing something physical each day boots brain function, fuels gives higher energy levels, helps you manage stress more effectively, and keep you in game longer.

7. Nutrition  What you eat determines how well you’ll perform Leadership is influenced by your diet. By eating like a winner, your energy will remain at peak and your mood will stay positive. Please also remember that by eating less food you will be able to do better work.

That was the 7 Amazing Fundamentals of Personal Leadership Shared Robin Sharma which was truly amazing to me these 7 Fundamentals rules will result great we have ever thought I have been taken into all these rules in pipe line exercising and practicing, I am Hopeful about it because I have seen great change while practicing these fundamental rules and I have a deep hope that it will bring stunning result in future.

I should highly recommend this book to be read for awaken your inner leader, it will help improving personal life and business, so take out sometime in your busy schedule and go throw this life-changing book.

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