Serafina and the Black Cloak | Teen Ink

Serafina and the Black Cloak

May 14, 2019
By LJBraun BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
LJBraun BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Serafina and the Black Cloak, is about the main character, Serafina, who has hidden in the basement of Biltmore Estate Mansion all her life. She often skulks in the corridors without being seen, wondering what normal girls her age do.

While she is on her nightly rounds she hears a girl screaming and follows the sound. There is a man in a black cloak dragging the mystery girl through the halls. He wraps the cloak around her and she disappears. Children all over the estate have gone missing. Serafina is the only person who knows what is happening to them, and it is up to her and her newly found friend, Braeden, to find the kids.

This book took me through the struggles of Serafina. She wants to belong, but she is different from others. Serafina isn’t average; she doesn’t play hide and seek like the other kids instead she catches rats in the house. She also looks odd with startling amber eyes.

Robert Beatty develops strong, motivated characters and a steady plot that keeps the story moving. This novel adds a mystical component to the storyline. I stayed up until midnight thinking “just one more chapter” while reading this. This book is easy to comprehend and is action filled. I really enjoyed uncovering the mystery of Serafina.

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