The Detailed Verison Of Dally's Death in the book Outsiders. By; S. E. Hinton | Teen Ink

The Detailed Verison Of Dally's Death in the book Outsiders. By; S. E. Hinton

May 7, 2019
By PoetryIsToldByAnyone BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
PoetryIsToldByAnyone BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I try to let my decisions be guided not by what I think will succeed or fail, but what I'm going to learn"- Lin Manuel Miranda

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace."-George Washington

"There is no good or evil: only power and those too weak to seek it."-J.K Rowling

Dally’s death started in a traumatic way that even I had cried during the movie and the book. As Dally ran through the hallway you could feel how scared and the horror as he saw the only thing he cared about, disappear. When he finally got to the convenience store he was shaking but that looks normal for a greaser. Thinking about Johnny made him sick and the thought of losing him made him insane before. But he was too late, Johnny was gone and no one else gave a damn if he were gone or not but Dally. He didn’t even have the money to buy anything so he did the only thing he could think of….rob the store. When he walked in he caught a glimpse of the cashier. He was tall with dark brown hair, the comparison between him and Dally are almost alike but made him even more nauseous. As Dally tried to look as normal as he could the cashier saw something was off about him but didn’t seem to notice what. Dally slowly walked towards the magazine section picking up one with a 3 / 1847 Colt Walker Revolver on the front of it with the price at $150. Just lookin at that gun made him sick and feel useless if he couldn’t try harder to stop Johnny from doing stupid things. Like messing with Bob’s girls and letting Johnny kill him too. Then he wouldn't have had to run away or save those kids from the church fire if it wasn’t for him Johnny would still be alive. It was time for him to do something as well. As Dally starts ripping the gun magazine the cashier yells “hey! If you do that y' know you gotta pay for that…”. Dally starts his way over to the look alike and stares at him for some time until he grabs his unloaded gun unwillingly and shoves it in the cashiers face. As the panicked cashier was taking his last breath Dally said first in a low tone “...give me the money….GIVE ME THE MONEY!!!” demanded Dally as the cashier breathed “I’m sick of you little punks…”. Taking the money and running out the door as fast as possible the store cashier took out his revolver and shot twice in Dally's direction hitting him right in the back. As he’s still running for dear life. As he finally reaches a telephone booth he picks up the phone and dials Darry’s number. As soon as he picks up he explains to him that the cops are after him. He hangs up and starts heading over to the place they were going to meet. Walking along the right side of the street he hears the wail of the sirens and starts jogging knowing he’ll die even if he runs. He gets to the corner of the street and he’s almost surrounded by cop cars. He raises his gun up, listening to the yelling and screaming of the gang and shots. As he looks like a threat to the cops the total point of shooting is killing yourself for the worth. He knew if Johnny was gone, he should have gone with him. And at that second, he did. As the surrounding cops shot at different times at the same target, he died. Even before he hit the ground. He died the way no hero should, but he never was one, was he? That was his reason. He couldn’t save Johnny.

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