Blissful Waterfalls | Teen Ink

Blissful Waterfalls

March 3, 2019
By Jromes2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Jromes2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Megan Resch’s article “Blissful Waterfalls” left me in confusion and wonder. Her article perfectly used many adjectives to describe a vacation to a known waterfall. In her article she said, “The water promises to keep me safe, and I promise not to destroy any of its delicate features.” Also, in the article wrote “The water rushes over the cliff towards the treaturous, teasing rocks below.” What confused me with both of these quotes is how the water will protect her, and if the rocks are teasing her or the water. I wonder what became of her while she was on the edge of the cliff.


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