One of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus | Teen Ink

One of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus

February 13, 2019
By Jennifer-Lam BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jennifer-Lam BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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How different were you 10 years ago? A lot? “One of Us is Lying” written by Karen McManus tells a dramatic story of the human condition through the choices each character makes. Addy Prentiss undergoes the biggest transformation from her choices. Your 10-year transformation might just equal a couple high school months for Addy.

Each characters transformation process started with the death of Simon Kelleher. One by one as secrets started getting spilled each character had to face their mistake. Jake, Addy's boyfriend was extremely controlling and possessive. Addy lived in his shadow and lived her life trying to please him. For instance, “his eyes travel from my face to my canvas sneakers as he asks “you wearing that Ads?” it's not a criticism, exactly, but I'm in Ashton's college sweatshirt and Jake's never liked me in shapeless clothes “it'll be cold at the beach.” I say tentatively, and he grins. “I’ll keep you warm. Put on something a little cuter huh?” (63) Consequently, when the secret that Addy slept with TJ got out Addy chose to own up to it and confess to Jake herself, which lead to Jake breaking up with her. “I'm sorry Jake, I made a stupid, horrible mistake and I'm so, so sorry. I was drunk and stupid, i was insecure.” this was Addy’s first stepping stone to becoming a new person. The problem was that she didn't know who she was to begin with without Jake so what was she supposed to reinvent.

As Addy mourns over Jake her sister, Ashton tries to get her to get over him. “What would you normally do on a weekend? And don't say hang out with Jake.” ”But that is what I’d do” (148) by doing this she tries to get Addy to think of things she enjoyed doing but tries the only thing she could think about was Jake. Ashton and Addy go back go back and forth until finally coming to the conclusion that Addy liked riding bikes. They spend the day having a good and enjoyable day until Addy has to go back to reality the next day. Word spread about what Addy had done, so school becomes pretty bad for her. She finds out that all of the people that she thought were her friends were fake, and who she really was without Jake. the person that she thought she was, wasn't actually her,

As Addy comes to realize who she actually was, she decides to reinvent herself. Addy takes on a new personality. instead of the following opinion- less sheep, she closed herself off and thinks more for herself. Addy also decides to get a haircut to redo the hair that Jake had loved so much.” Before anyone can stop me, I grabbed a thick handful of hair and chop the whole thing off above my ear.” (174)  She changed her role in life and her appearance. as the drama continues Addy figures out who her real and fake friends are. Her so-called “best friend” even tripped her causing many cuts and bruises. On the other hand, she gained a new friend, Bronwyn who actually cared enough to stick by her side and a closer relationship with her old friend Jake.

There will always be people quick to judge, but you choose how you want to react. One of us is lying by Karen McManus paints a pretty accurate picture about high school. Drama spreads quick and there's a lot of fake people, but you choose how to respond. Keep your friends close and remember to play smart.

The author's comments:

this piece is based of the book "One of Us is Lying" by Karen McManus

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