TWEAK | Teen Ink


January 25, 2019
By U-Garcia BRONZE, Sacramento, California
U-Garcia BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tweak is about an 11 year old boy that drank and got drunk at his young age. But as years started to pass by , he started to smoke weed and do cocaine and ecstasy. But then bumped up to doing higher drugs such as meth and heroin. And even though his life was becoming a total mess , he thought he could quit the addictions and put his life back together. But it wasn't so easy for him , until he started to go to relapse and took a change in a way he thinks of.

Throughout the story Nic runs into many paths , new people , and regrets. The boy’s life isn’t so easy and though his addictions are strong , there’s good in the boy that makes him want to stop on certain things that he does. Yeah he fucked up his life leaving his home to follow his addictions , leaving does behind that loved him and cared about him , but then realize the importance of does who care about him. Decides to take the right step by going to rehab and wanting to make a change in his life and leave does who were doing bad for him.

Nic Sheff has a strong way of making you visualize and make you think along the way as you read his story. The visuals bring life to the book and makes you want to keep reading his life. And you can possible even connect to his story of life. Or maybe you have your own to tell , and have others see the way they thinking before making mistakes in life with drug addictions. We know that drugs aren’t good for you or anyone , to stick with those that surround you with love and care , is the way to go.

The novel is really good and will keep you flipping pages to keep you interest on what will happen next and who he meets throughout once he goes solo from leaving his parent’s house at a young age. I personally like the fact on how he gave it a chance on rehab to straighten himself again. And how his parents took him back in. But I don't want to say to much now do I?

So go on and give it a try on the wonderful story of Nic sheff , and spend some time on knowing what happens with him throughout the story of his life from beginning to end. A really good book I say. So if you’re into real life stories or just want some to read and waste time , this is the novel for you

The author's comments:

keeps you busy , and its really good in my opinoin 

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