Ender's Game Review | Teen Ink

Ender's Game Review

January 24, 2019
By Anonymous

I was first introduced to Ender’s Game when my father’s friend gave him a list of books that was his top one hundred favorite sci-fi books. At that point in time, I was just starting to get into sci-fi novels. My dad looked through the list to find me a book that he thought I might like. He did and it happened to be Ender’s Game. Instantly after reading this book I fell in love with this book for a couple simple reasons; such as, the unique style of writing makes it very easy to read for people who don’t like complicated writing and at the time that was me, Ender’s Game had multiple perspective points, giving a more 3D view of the going on in the book.

The writing style of the book not only helped boost the book’s popularity it also created a more immersive world for people reading the book, making it more accessible to people would like sci-fi books but can’t find many that aren’t overly complicated with too many descriptive words for one sentence or idea, which is fine for some; even preferred. Another unique characteristic of the book is that the author, Orson Scott Card, had written it in third person, but would switch into first person in such a masterful way where you don’t even notice the change. With most authors that attempt it, the result usually ends up being kind of a rough transition into one or the other.

Something else that I really liked was its multiple perspective points. It’s something that at the time for me was something completely new, for before reading it was always from the perspective of one person. I know that this seems kind of a small thing in a book when you first think about it, and really it is; but at the time it was quite world-shaking, that you could see into the thoughts of others not just the one person, even in a third person narrative. Even now the different narratives helped shape Ender’s Game, giving it that 3D view of everything.

All of this pretty much boils down to two things; a fact and an opinion. Former being that this book reshaped how I think of sci-fi books, from classics like Dune to more recent books like The Expanse. The latter is that I feel that if you’re a diehard fan of sci-fi, someone who wants to dip their toes into science fiction for the first time, or even a person who just wants something to read, this is the book for you.

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