Tyrell | Teen Ink


January 24, 2019
By dcc BRONZE, Sacramento, California
dcc BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tyrell is a book that will help you recognize what some people go through growing up in in poverty and having to help his family. Once you start reading it makes you think about situations that have personally happened to you or things you have heard about and you will have to find out what ends up happening with Tyrell.

Tyrell is about an african-american young man,who lives hard. His dad is in jail so he lives with his mom and younger brother. Tyrell has a girlfriend, Novisha that is still going to school, tyrell stopped because he has to help out his family because they recently lost their place. To get money Tyrell remembers when he was young and his dad through parties with girls and drugs so he links up with his friends and they are going to throw a party. Tyrell will be more careful then his dad and not get caught up.

Goe Booth’s book Tyrell is a book that people coming from minority areas and growing up in poverty can relate to. Also, it can help show people that haven’t about what some people go through and why they do the things they do. Tyrell is trying to get his family and him back on their own feet.

Tyrell is a real book that can educate you on what a struggle is. The book is about Tyrell’s life and the poverty he faces. Tyrell is following in his dad’s footsteps and is  throwing a party like his dad used to-will he get caught up?

The author's comments:

The book was interesting.

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