Red Queen review | Teen Ink

Red Queen review

November 30, 2018
By Ben BRONZE, Batavia, Illinois
Ben BRONZE, Batavia, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book I’ll talk about to day is the Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. This books is shown in the perspective of a girl from a small poor town called the stilts. She has been raised in a world where there are two different types or you can even call it species of people Reds who are normal people, people with red blood and are poor, do all the grunt work, and have to fight the wars of the other people which we’ll get to in a moment, and they don’t get a say in the government and are treated like dirt. The silvers on the other hand are like an evolution of humankind, they have silver blood instead of red, have awesome super powers ranging from super strength, to controlling elements like water, fire, pants, or metal, to telekinesis, to controlling minds. The silvers are also are super rich, proud and mighty, but also cowardly, selfish, and favorite character is Mare Barrow she is clever and will not school smart she is street smart. In one of the chapters another character named cal says “ you can tell who people are that is clever.” this is not what he said exactly and I forget what page it was on but it does say that in the book somewhere. She is also fast and can tell when to fight and when to run. In the book in the begging mare brown and her friend kilorn live in a small village called the stilts there nearing the age of 18 where they will either have to join the army or get a job mare failed school but kilorn got a apprenticeship ( You must go through a apprenticeships to get a job.) but one day kilorn master dies from old age so mare sets off to find a way to get kilorn out of conscription she finds a way but it will cost her a fortune she and her sister gisa ( Who does have a job.) go to a nearby silver city where gisa works so mare can steal a fortune but news breaks out of a red rebel group called the scarlet guard setting off bombs in the capital city the silver outraged and shocked by this start rioting and rounding up all the reds in the city Mare and Gisa escape but mare was unable to steal the money she needed then Gisa tried to pickpocket a silver but is caught and as punishment Gisa has her hand browen. After this mare, devastated by the days events goes to a local bar where she steals from the people leaving the bar. But one of the people she pickpockets catches her in the act but instead of beating her up or handing her over to the authorities this 19 year old man named cal ( Remember him he is important.) he gives her a valuable coin called a crown and leaves mare who is confused by the jester. The next day mare is invited to the royal summer place for a job as a servant. When she arrives she serves at this event called queens trile where all the girls from all the high houses ( the nobles of the silver world.) compete for the chance to be the bride for the princes in front of the royal family which consist of the king, queen elara, and there to sons ( I forgot the king's name but I know it is really long and I cannot say who the sons are because that will give away spoilers.) then when one of the silver girls is performing to show she is the most powerful ( that is how they chose who the brides are going to be.) Mare fall into the arena because the whole place is shaking up because of this girls powers which is to control metal. Mare unlucky falls into the arena which is covered by a shield of lighting when she lands on it instead of fighting something else happens she discovers that she is and I quote “ not quite silver but not quite red and stronger than both.”  This book Theme I believe is that sometimes with power comes great and cruelty. I do have to say the book and its characters were well portrayed and written the characters it just seems like the characters had so much thought and detail in them and this book the way it was written in makes me believe this sci-fi book maybe has a tiny bit of an idea of what might happen in our future and it has so much action and drama. I would definitely recommend this book to readers looking for a good read especially to anyone who like the hunger games series. But this is definitely a good read and if I were you I would definitely read this book.


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