The After Room | Teen Ink

The After Room

November 7, 2018
By AnderDQD BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
AnderDQD BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The title of the book is The After-Room by Maile Meloy. The Main characters are Janie and Benjamin. Janie is from a family that has a normal life part from the fact that they were accused as communist. Benjamin’s only family was his father that came from a family that made a book of 700 years of scientific secrets like how to turn into a bird. The book is fiction because what could be done with the book. The plot of the book is that a soldier from the US gone crazy left to China to detonate a nuclear bomb and only Janie and Benjamin can stop him. Also while that is happening Benjamin is still dealing with the guilt of his father's death and thinking he killed him. The theme of the book is people are always stronger together. The theme is shown through Benjamin and Janie’s love for each other and also other people. My favorite part of the book was when Pip met the actress in Rome. I would not recommend this book because I feel there was to much happening at once and it was overwhelming.

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