Looks | Teen Ink


October 31, 2018
By jaimekimberly BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
jaimekimberly BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Meghan Balls is both the most visible and invisible person in school with her massive size making it impossible to ignore. People constantly say things secrets in front of her as if she does not exist. Which most of the time she feels the same way. Until Aimee Zorn shows her a kindred spirit seeking to join forces to get sweet revenge against the one girl who hurt them both. In my opinion this book did not seem very captivating but it caused me to continue reading even in the small hours. There was no clear beginning nor end but contained language of poetic with building blocks between. Something i did like was there was no mention of dieting and no attempt to fix the girls in any way, shape, or form. Aimee eventually discovers she is anorexic, but throughout the book she is just allergic to a lot of different foods and never mentions the word anorexia describing “Hunger is a blade that carves me.” This book did gave me mixed feelings that made me feel unsure because the many levels of details that made me reread sections over and over again. The story was not wrap up in a traditional way of most young adult novel it was definitely an accurate picture of the environment in a typical high school. The author manage to describe anorexia, overeating, high school dynamics, and poetry writing in a way that felt new to me. Another thing i liked about the book was the connection they made throughout their journey of discover the issues with their body, and trying to make new friends. “It's not an honest face. It’s not a kind face made of anger and secrets and lies” this quote will teach others to never judge anyone by their looks because you never know what they have been through or are going through. The best thing about the book was the poetic language and the way it was written elevates the story. I highly recommend this book to high school young teenages because the author makes it more different describing body image, and the cruelty high school. Emotional and physical portraits the story of two girls learning and supporting each other throughout their journey of experiencing the typical high school drama.


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