Warriors: Yellowfang's Secret | Teen Ink

Warriors: Yellowfang's Secret

October 31, 2018
By Anonymous

            This book is focused on Yellowfang, a former ShadowClan medicine cat who later goes to join ThunderClan. Yellowfang is born to Brightflower and Brackenfoot. She has two siblings, Rowanberry and Nutwhisker. When Yellowfang was young, she wanted to be a warrior and did everything she could to prove her worth in her clan. When the she-cat realizes that this isn't her calling, she becomes a medicine cat. Forgetting her warning, as stated in the beginning of the book, “Only one thing can stop the tide of hatred this birth-cursed cat will bring: the courage of a mother to know her destiny” (Hunter I).

When Yellowfang was just a kit she already had the feeling of pain for others, but she chose to ignore this. Yellowfang wanted to be the best warrior that she could be, like every other young cat in their clan. With her mentor being Deerleap, she trains with this older she-cat to become a warrior. At this time, her name was Yellowpaw and she became close to Raggedpaw. As Yellowfang gets older and her feeling of pain for others gets stronger, Sagewhisker, the ShadowClan medicine cat at the time, convinces Yellowfang that she would be better off as a medicine cat, and Yellowfang becomes Sagewhisker’s apprentice. Agreeing to the medicine cat rules, she follows every rule but breaks one. The rule of not falling in love and having a mate.

Yellowfang and Raggedpelt became mates in secret, as stated by Raggedpelt, “This can be our secret, shared with no one else” (Hunter 280). Soon Yellowfang became pregnant. Not knowing what to do, she had to keep her kits a secret. Since Yellowfang cannot care for them, she hands them off to another she-cat to take care of them for her. Yellowfang must also keep her identity of her being their mother a secret from them as well. As time goes on, Yellowfang must watch her kits grow up without her. This book manages to cover the emotions felt by Yellowfang and you can really connect with her. The book overall helps you understand why Yellowfang acts the way she does in the main series; Warriors: The Prophecy Begins.

This book is most interested by people who are ages 10-14, and quite interested by people who are older than that age group. Yellowfang’s Secret really connects with you on an emotional ride and you can really sympathize with Yellowfang’s feelings. Reading this book to younger children might not be ideal, seeing as it does have a little bit of blood and gore in it.

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