The Death Cure | Teen Ink

The Death Cure

October 4, 2018
By gerardolopez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
gerardolopez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article ''The Death Cure'' made me feel bad because people are doing experiments with things that may kill people. I think its wrong to let people die just to do a experiment.Thomas should turn down the offer because what they did to him and his friends,and I also don't think they should risk their life life to do a dangerous experiment. If they do agree to do the mission for ''The Death Cure'' I hope for the best but i think its dangerous to do it.The artice made me feel emotion because i don't like when people do things that are dangerous. It was an interesting article and I would love to read another article like this it mad me feel sad but it was interesting.


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