H2O by Virginia Bergin | Teen Ink

H2O by Virginia Bergin

June 21, 2018
By korahcanney BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
korahcanney BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

H2O written by Virginia Bergin I enjoyed a lot more as I thought I would, being a fan of the dystopian genre. It follows the journey of Ruby Morrison. Ruby doesn’t care much about her academics but loves going out to party with her friends when she can. She is the typical average teenage girl. The story is told by Ruby herself. Starting it off with her actually attending a party with a bunch of friends while the parents are out of the house. She gives a good description of her surrounding, being in a hot tub with the boy of her dreams. But this is where it all goes down hill.

Suddenly Zak’s parents come home in a frenzy of concern that all of these kids could be in potential danger. They are rushed inside and Zak’s father turns on the radio to listen for any news. As Ruby waits confused with her friends, the radio says that it is in the rain. There is a disease in the rain that has no cure. From this moment on Ruby is determined to save herself from the scared town that she lives in and find her father. This is especially hard because he’s all the way on the other side of the country, and she doesn’t even know if he is still alive.

I asked myself throughout the book what I would do in some of the situations she was thrown into. Like a terrible car accident that totals the car and she has to run away from the slowly approaching, deadly mist. I think that people who would enjoy reading this are people that like zombies and other post apocalyptic type of t.v. shows or movies. I think this because the flesh eating rain is like a parallel to human eating zombies.

Overall I like this book a lot. People reading this should really give it a try. There’s a lot of action that leaves you hanging off the edge of your seat. Follow Ruby on her terrifying and adventurous journey to search for her father as she faces daily challenges for her fight for survival.

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