Milk and Honey | Teen Ink

Milk and Honey

June 21, 2018
By Anonymous

204 pages

Rupi Kaur

Barnes and Noble $8.22

Milk and Honey an iconic teen read written by Rupi Kaur. It really connected with me. I felt the book on a spiritual level. I love the fact she wrote about controversial topics. Abuse, rape, and even female empowerment. Milk and honey is very confusing if you are not mentally mature. This book is definitely for an older audience. All 204 pages of the book are all poetry. The book is inspiring to young adults trying to go through a rough time in there lives. Milk and honey has all of the key points maturing girls ask questions about. Very quick read even for me who has a reading disability. Some short pages with illustrations and details. Rupi starts each section with a black page that has the topic of the section. I enjoy how each section is connected by the fact they are issues in a girls life but they are all different topics. Rupi wrote this in first person and with a lot of feelings. I can imagine her going through the experiences. “The rape will tear you in half” pg26. This line affects me even though I haven't been through it myself the thought of someone getting raped is the worst though in my mind. “Our knees pried open by cousins and uncles and men” pg 36. The fact men treat women this way is why most women feel afraid around men in public.

“It must hurt to know I am your most beautiful regret” pg 94. Having confidence is key and in this she shows that she has confidence but she is also ashamed by this fact.

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