Six of Crow by Leigh Bardugo | Teen Ink

Six of Crow by Leigh Bardugo

June 20, 2018
By kkatherinekatt PLATINUM, Daytona Beach, Florida
kkatherinekatt PLATINUM, Daytona Beach, Florida
21 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."

“No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for 'good luck.'”


Six of Crows drew me in with an action-packed, intriguing description. It did not let me down one bit. The fantasy novel in the young adult category grasped my attention and transported me to a far away world where magic exists. 

The novel starts off at Ketterdam, a fictional town in the country of Kerch. In this universe, there are people endowed in magic called Grisha who have a variety of powers. Some of them include controlling fire, pulses, water, and healing. Gang leader Kaz Brekker is offered by wealthy mercher Jan Van Eck an oppourtunity with a lot of money if he can succeed the mission. 

 Bo Yul-Bayur, a well-known scientist, is kept as a prisoner in the Ice Court, a place almost impossible to break into with high security and tricky entrances synonymous to a labyrinth. Bo Yul-Bayur has created a drug known as jurda parem, highly addictive after one dose while also enhancing a Grisha's power so they are unstoppable. Van Eck wants Kaz to break into the Ice Court in a heist and save Bo Yul-Bayur so there will be peace in the separate kingdoms. 

Kaz, with the paycheck being his prime motivator, agrees and assembles a team of five other teenagers to help with the heist. Each of them have their own backstory, and through the book, they bond together through this mission that may inevitably lead them to death. 

What I loved about Six of Crows were the characters. They were all unique, with well crafted histories that attached me to them easily. All were complex and held flaws that made them even more human. Through the five different point of views in third person, we learned more about their side of the story. Their personalities were distinct and humorous. I also applaud the author for the representation. Dyslexia, a character with a limp, different sexualities, the effect of prostitution rings, addictive habits, and others are portrayed in a respective way that let me see a glimpse into their world. The romance was also well-developed.

The plot was stellar. World building will either be a make or break for fantasy novels, and this one had depth and was very explanatory. I enjoyed learning about the different aspects of this magical world, and I even wondered how the author had such detailed thoughts. It felt like a fresh breath from the reality of life. 

I highly suggest reading Six of Crows if you want a dark fantasy novel relying on friendship and action-packed scenes. It's one that I'll never forget!


"Trickery is not my native tongue, but I may learn to speak it yet."


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