The Maze Runner Review | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner Review

June 20, 2018
By JuiceyBoi BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
JuiceyBoi BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No, I'm busy.

James Dashner’s The Maze Runner is a majestic piece of work. His flow of important events and keeping the pace together along with extensive character descriptions make this book a delight. From the beginning Dashner leaves the reader no questions besides, “can there be more?”. Dashner answers all other questions before you can even ask them, however still manages to hook his readers in with cliffhangers, from Thomas being unaware of his surroundings and worried, to the foreshadowing that Thomas might die in the maze. This book was an amazing piece of work from James Dashner.

In The Maze Runner, teenage boy Thomas is awoken by a group of teenage boys in a

place known as the Glade. For the other new arrivals they are given a random helping job, but for Thomas he knew that deep down he was meant to be a Runner. As time progressed Thomas makes the executive decision and breaks the number one rule to save his fellow Gladers and jump into the Maze. With willpower and might they become the first survivors thanks to Thomas. From there on Thomas is second in command with the Runners and help them on their endeavor to escape.

Dashner leaves no breaks for complaints in his writing of The Maze Runner. He keeps up with the suspense with Thomas fighting off the deadly Grievers in the Maze, and when Ben tried killing Thomas. Dashner is the first author I have seen who manages to constantly keep suspense, while also answering any question readers may have about what’s happening. His writing style is impeccable and wonderful. An example of his use of suspense is when Thomas is faced by a Griever in the Maze on page 125, “And then something rounded the corner… Something unspeakable. A Griever.”. Dashner leaves you with that immediate question, “what is it”, but then answers it instantly, hooking you in. I would recommend this book to anyone who can read without a doubt, it is a treat to read.

To some the idea of not being able to have unanswered questions is boring, but trust me as an avid readers of this genre of books, this is one of the greatest. Dashner manages to hook you in every time you open his books, especially The Maze Runner. Like I said, to anyone who can actually read, read this book, it is worth your time.


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