C4 Pre-Workout | Teen Ink

C4 Pre-Workout

May 7, 2014
By claybabes BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
claybabes BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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I have been working out for just over two years. Each workout begins with taking a pre-workout. I have tried numerous pre-workouts before such as 1M.R., Bullnox, and Assault, and I must say that C4, made by Cellucor, is my favorite. C4 gave me a crazy pump like no other, I never fatigue in my workouts, even if they are two hours long! C4 is formulated with NO3, also known as Nitrate. Nitrate helps boost the effects of C4 and gives you energy like no other pre-workout. C4 also includes creatine, which helps store water molecules in your muscles. This will help your workouts last longer and give your muscles mass. For the price of C4, which ranges from $30-$40, it is well worth it. My workouts are more intense and energetic when I take C4. Although C4 makes for better workouts, like any pre-workout, you will build up a tolerance. After taking C4 for an extended amount of time, I have now increased my serving size to three scoops, instead of the recommended one scoop. I know that some of the effects are mental, like saying you will have a bad workout if you don’t take the pre-workout. Along with the great pumps and insane endurance, the taste of C4 is incredible! I have yet to try a bad tasting flavor. C4 is an amazing pre-workout that gives you the energy that you need for a great workout and I cannot do without it!

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