Flemings | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Gnarfleez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Gnarfleez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flemings Review

Flemings is a great choice in high-end steak houses from the second you step in until the minute you put you napkin back on the table after finishing your desert. Found in the center of Market Street in DC Ranch, it remains one of the only original restaurants still open in Market Street. As soon as you walk in you notice the lights are dim and calming music is playing. People talk softly so that adds to the relaxing atmosphere the Flemings provides to its customers. The service at Flemings is extremely quick and very diligent. From the hostesses to the servers to the bus boys, all employees give the perception that they are highly trained and are extremely helpful. Every time I attend Flemings I order the same entrée because they are so consistent and reliable with the flavor and preparation of their meals. I order the filet mignon with a side of blue cheese mashed potatoes. The steak is always perfectly seasoned and tender. I order medium rare and the meat is very soft and easy to cut into. The mashed potatoes are creamy and have a sharp flavor, but they never overdo the amount of blue cheese they add. Finally they offer the perfect desert for after a big meal: berries and whipped cream. In my opinion a small snack desert is perfect for a final course because it is light and extremely delicious. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who has the chance to dine there because it is a great experience and chances to go out to dinner to such an amazing place come very rarely.

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