Racial Discrimination | Teen Ink

Racial Discrimination

February 19, 2014
By Adriana Dockery SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Adriana Dockery SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Racial Discrimination has gone on for a long time. Of course it is not as bad as it used to be but it is still happening. Why should people be judged by there color for anything. Nobody should have problems finding jobs because of there skin color. Everyone is supposed to be created equal so why is this still happening among others. I personally don’t have a problem with the different races. They don’t bother us so why bother them. It has truly gotten better from years past but It still can be worked on. I don’t believe that it will ever be completely gone though there will be the stubborn people who still judge them.

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