We Will Never be Equals | Teen Ink

We Will Never be Equals

February 18, 2014
By Adriana Dockery SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Adriana Dockery SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In school, kids try to be as equal as everyone else. Usually throughout elementary and Jr. high it’s not as difficult as high school. I mean there will always be separation between groups of kids and who’s friends with who. Kids are put into categories like weird, smart, or cool kids. All kids are trying to do is be equal with everyone and be normal and like what other kids like, but its true everyone is different. In high school you have jocks, the bandies, the nerds, the too cool for school kids. There is always separation between everyone. Some kids are just more athletic than others they can’t help it. Or they are just naturally book smart which in some cases makes them nerds. I feel like it has gotten better though as time has gone on many teens in high school are friends with people from all different groups and its making a difference. Even though people have certain weaknesses. At every school everyone has something they are good at and may be better at than others. So nobody is equal in there abilities honestly. But what kid isn’t trying to just fit in. That’s most kids/teens goals. Yet, I feel teens are finding out its not important to be popular. The so-called popular kids aren’t better than anyone else. Straight up everyone judges everyone no matter who you are. I guarantee in the halls everyone of us is being stared down and judged for our flaws. Everyone has something to complain about with somebody else that’s never going to change. Every single person has someone that bother’s them and that they can’t stand. So we should focus on being ourselves and not caring what other people thing. Do what you love, and not what others want you to do. So maybe everyone is taking the wrong perspective on being equal. We think being equal is being just as popular or just as good as everyone else. But maybe we misinterpret the meaning. If everyone is being there self then on some level we are equal. We are the same if we are being ourselves.

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