Response to "Youth Lack Life Skills" | Teen Ink

Response to "Youth Lack Life Skills"

November 14, 2013
By Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I would agree that kids now a days lack many skills, but I can’t relate mainly because I have been taught manners, how to cook, do laundry, and work on vehicles. I also try to teach myself th8ings if there is no way for me to be taught. I understand that it’s a big problem for other young people and it should be fixed, which doesn’t come as a surprise. People are very focused on school and with texting communication is minimal in a face-to-face point of view. I do see this dilemma at
Ayersville. Many times I find that people are only focused on academics and friends, and not on things that are needed as they enter college or the real world.

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