Bad Ad Lancôme Paris | Teen Ink

Bad Ad Lancôme Paris

January 4, 2011
By mstapel357 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
mstapel357 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lancôme Paris
This ad was created by Lancôme Paris to sell makeup. This ad is for women between the ages of 15 and 60. In this ad, there is a woman showing her breasts, with a red piece of plush cloth covering her nipples. The model showing only her breasts, she is a white woman. Another assumption that may be made about the lumps on the left hand side of the ad may be knees with the women pulling her skirt up. The lipstick that is viewed looks like a penis. This would go with the idea that the lumps on the left would be knees. Absolute Rouge Desire is the type of lipstick is viewed. The particular kind of lipstick that they are selling in the add sells between $22 - $26.

In this ad the woman could be showing her breasts, covering her nipples with a cloth. But this ad is selling lipstick not bras. The ad is telling women they will be have perfect skin through using the Lancôme Paris lipstick. There is nothing that is perfect, and lipstick has nothing to do with having smooth breasts or soothing knees. The white women using this product will need to be a little on the wealthy side due to the prices.
Lancôme Paris also sells makeup, brushes, fragrances and nail polish. The items that they sell are between the prices of $36 and $57. If you are just starting out using their makeup, you will need the brushes, foundation, bronzer, mascara, eye liner, eye brow brushes, lipstick and remover. This will all add up to $507 according to
Materialistic things don’t matter. People do. This however, ad says you need things. It suggests if you use this product, you will have perfect skin and your life will be perfect. Also if you use this product your breasts will grow bigger and you will look sexy. You don’t need to wear clothes when you wear this lipstick. This is bad due to the fact that you could get a ticket for indecency of exposure. You don’t need makeup to make yourself look beautiful, and men to want you.

There is no price stated. There are no other products listed. How are people going to know about their other products. How are people going to believe everything in the ad?

This ad is terrible and should have never been printed. Not everything in life should be about sex. Kids should not see this ad. If Lancôme thought more about this ad, they would understand and think taking off their shirts, or lifting up their skirts is not a good teaching technique. The red that is used to cover the breasts or the knees up is a sign of sex, passion, desire, sexy, and heat. This all is attached to sex.

The persuasion techniques that Lancôme Paris uses in their ad would be a symbol. The symbol used would be the lipstick which could be a penis. Another symbol that they use is the lumps on the left had side, which would be knees, or breasts. The big lie would be used when they imply that if you use this lipstick, you can go about without any clothes on. Flattery is another persuasion type. This is used in the ad because they use the lumps on the left to let women know that if they wear this lipstick they can wear a cloth on their breasts or pull their skirt up for men to look under.
The reason why this is offensive to women is because I found this ad in Cosmopolitan magazine which usually only women read this magazine. When they read this ad they may find that this is not true about women and not all of them want sex. Others ways that this may be offensive would be by using the lipstick as a penis, which applies to sex.

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