Mass at St. Charles | Teen Ink

Mass at St. Charles

May 1, 2024
By KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a recent trip to St. Charles church located in Hartland, WI, I attended the Sunday evening mass.  The new church had just finished being built after a few years of being under construction.  

The outside is massive.  It is a very large building and the beauty of the structure can be seen clearly by passerbyes traveling on Highway 16.  I walked up the steps to the grand arch above the double doors.  Walking in I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  I first entered a hallway and was greeted by an older gentleman and a teen girl who handed me a pamphlet with the featured songs and readings.  

I walked through the two additional doors to the main part of the church and I was blown away.  It was just as beautiful as the outside if not more.  The new church featured big windows that let in the orange glow from the 6:00pm sunset, giving off a warm and happy feeling. I noticed the dazzling clean church as I looked for a spot to sit in the many available pews within the church. 

I sat in the back of the church so I could take in the full beauty of the new building.  Something that caught my eye was the painting featured above the sanctuary.  It was beautiful and very clear that whoever had created the masterpiece spent ample time perfecting the piece.  It was a nature painting that featured two deer on opposite sides of a stream.

The mass featured great vocals from the choir coming from the front left side of the church covering angelic songs that enhanced the experience of the mass accompanied by a band of a variety of different instruments that filled the room such as guitar, drums, and piano.  

The mass was roughly an hour long and ran very smoothly.  The priest had a very good homily and it was a very engaging mass.  The only complaint I would have was since the church is so large, the audio tends to echo making it a little hard to hear the priest at times. 

I believe the new church is becoming a large attraction for many people of the catholic religion in the area due to its beautiful building and amazing mass.  I would suggest that anyone who hasn’t gone to a mass at the new church yet, go next Sunday!

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