Review | Teen Ink


November 14, 2023
By 4laurila BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4laurila BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brown Deer Park Golf Course To Teen Ink

Brown Deer Golf Club is located in Brown Deer, Wisconsin. The course is very well taken care of for being a public course. In fact, The PGA Tour used to hold an event on Tour here until 2009, but in that time the famed golfer Tiger Woods made his professional debut here in 1996. So the golf course is really like a piece of history to the city and people of Milwaukee. 

With all that being said the course is a quite difficult but also very enjoyable course to play.It’s not the most open course but there are still some holes where you can just rip it and if you're a bit left or right you will be fine.  The front nine is much nicer and more enjoyable than the back nine, so I am going to review the front nine. 

The first hole is a nice par four that doglegs right but you still have enough room to put a nice 3 wood straight if you want to play it safe.. The second hole is another par four this time straight but it is uphill. You could try to put your tee shot at the bottom of the hill or you could put yourself on the incline but that would leave yourself with a pretty inclined second shot. The third hole is a short par three with a bunker protecting the front right of the green so you don't want to be short left but you also don't want to be long at all because it is a short tree line before the road which is out of bounds. The fourth hole is a very fun par five, you tee off on the top of the hill and the fairway is very open but the only thing you have to worry about is a river about 330 yards at the bottom of the fairway but if you don't put it in the river you'll leave yourself a very nice second shot and if your comfortable with your hybrids or woods it is a eagle possibility hole. The fifth hole is par three a little longer than the third hole, this one is still only about 150 yards give or take. It does have a bunker running the left side of the green and trees to the right but if you leave it short or go long you should be fine. Hole six is a par five that is harder than hole four, it is longer and when you hit onto the green it is very narrow with bunkers on the left and right. Hole seven is a par three but nothing like the first two. This one is over 200 yards so you will really have to put it out there if you want to use an iron and it does not help that there are bunkers on the left and right but still a very fun hole. Hole eight is the best hole on the course, you tee off and the tee shot is blind to where you want to hit the fairway which slightly doglegs left and a little uphill, but if you can put it under or past a big tree on the left side of the fairway you have a beautiful approach shot to a pretty big and open green. The ninth hole is a short par four and if you have the power to hit it far you could drive the green but even if you don’t and lay up you still have a pretty good approach shot at a slightly elevated green but the only worry is the two green frontside bunkers. Overall I would say this course is very nice for being public and if you ever need a course to play in the Milwaukee area to play at Brown Deer.

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