Sixteen | Teen Ink


September 18, 2019
By Anonymous

The writing title” Sixteen”, written by Gabrielle Oshkosh, talks about driving. Her writing left me second guessing myself.

The article “Sixteen” is talking about how teens think they are ready to drive and that they can’t wait to be sixteen. I would agree with this article because some teens don’t care if they get in a car accident. I can relate to this article because I can’t wait to be sixteen, but after reading this article I don’t know if I want to be. The author states,” They think they are ready- ready to take on the world.” I can’t wait to drive and I sometimes say I won’t get in a car accident but I don’t know if I can take on the world now I can relate to other quote because I remember one day I was going to volleyball practice and this person pulled out in front of is and I sat in the front seat frozen for a second, and my life flashed before my eyes. The authors states,” I sat frozen in the front seat.”

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