The View From The Slow Lane | Teen Ink

The View From The Slow Lane

September 18, 2019
By Anonymous

The writing titled “The View From The Slow Lane,” written by Nathan Aberlich, talks about growing up and driving. His writing left me feeling very happy about how he promised his mom he wouldn’t speed and how he discovered his mom was feeling worried and sad about him driving. I picked this article because it brought back the memory of the first day of high school. When he said, “My heart ached. I hated seeing my mother cry, and I hated more that I have been so ignorant towards her feelings,” I understand what he meant because I was so excited about being in high school that I didn’t even think about how my mom really actually felt during the process. Also, when he said, “My baby boy is growing up so fast,” it brought back so many memories of when my mom finally realized that her youngest child is now going to be a high schooler. The character and I relate because we both have a caring mother not wanting to see their child grow up.

The author's comments:

This piece is a very heart warming article.

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