The Value of Money | Teen Ink

The Value of Money

September 10, 2019
By TBranham BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
TBranham BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled The Value of Money, written by Drew Yeager, talks about a long journey learning about money. His writing left me feeling like I was in a similar situation and I’d agree that its true. As a young child, I also did not know any better than to ask for everything I wanted. I would go around and ask my parents to buy me fifty dollar and up toys all the time, and I’s only get them for Christmas most of the time. All kids I would think are the same way because it’s more of a want mentality when you are a kid. Yeager stated, “I had no real knowledge about the value of money.” Money only came into relevance once I obtained a steady job. I often treated myself to clothes or accessories every once and awhile therefore I set new money goals before I could buy anything else I wanted. “I now have 3,300 dollars in my bank account, and I limit myself to what I buy,” states Yeager. The author does an effective job of relaying information to the reader about being motivated to save money and what you feel when you do.

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