Serial Season 1 | Teen Ink

Serial Season 1

June 7, 2019
By tameem123 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
tameem123 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"1%chance 99% faith"

Serial is a podcast that tells a true story. It is an investigative journalism and presented in a series of audio files. The series called “who killed Hae Min Lee” talks about her death and investigation about who killed her. Teenagers should not listen to podcast. The story sometimes end up changing own characteristics of the person most of the time it’s most likely saying that this person is this or that but everyone’s point of view start to change at some time. From my point of view from listening to podcast, it gave me a lot of ideas that story’s shouldn’t be changed but also it should say the story being told in the podcast should be true to the people listening. Instead story is going different ways like coming up & other things like lies which messes up the podcast because you don’t know who to believe.

The series have a different language of the person like they don’t seem to fully develop themselves. In episode 1 Adnan syed says “he’s innocent but he can’t exactly remember what he was doing that afternoon” That means he’s losing his character because he should know what happened that day.  When people think that of themselves it’s hard to tell if they are saying the truth or not.

A lot of Alibi’s in the podcast actions been suspicious and the evidence is where the act has taken place. Not only that but in this podcast every piece of Adnan & his friends story changes time over time. One person will say this and the other person that it’s hard to believe. You go down on the person & you think he/she is telling the truth but they get stuck in situations where they truly can’t answer a question or know how to answer.

For me podcasts are boring my mind goes blank when I listen to them it becomes a big distraction for me because I tend to focus on something else. Well it wouldn’t be my fault it would be them. It doesn’t make a good experience to me listening to it every day I get it jammed in my ears that this person did this or this happens in the podcast. Sarah Koenig is really smart and well known that’s why we listen to her but podcasts doesn’t seem to give me a lot of attention because the story is on repeat.

Teenagers should not listen to the podcast it will only make the story more confusing things tend to switch up and they will get confused on what the people are discussing in the podcast. Everything turns out different nothing really turns out in this podcast to give something to be more useful only like a couple of things which makes the podcast lame.

The author's comments:

I'm a junior in high school

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