The Best Food at Belair | Teen Ink

The Best Food at Belair

May 13, 2019
By maggie-s BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
maggie-s BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the first time I heard about Belair Cantina. A few years ago, my parents would tell my sisters and I about their favorite restaurant in Wauwatosa (about 45 minutes from our house). We would drool over their descriptions of this unique style of Mexican food. One day we finally got the privilege of going to Belair ourselves. We were in immediate awe of this adorable restaurant with garage doors open and fresh air blowing through the whole cantina. There were smiles on everyone's faces eating colorful and unique tacos, and it instantly became our favorite new restaurant too.

Once we sat down and were greeted by a multitude of salsas we were full before the food even came. As avid Mexican food lovers, we had our local favorite taco restaurants but Belair brought our love for Mexican food to the next level. Whenever family would come in from out of town we would always take them to Belair. My 10 year old cousin couldn’t believe there could be a burrito the size of a chihuahua and he finished the whole thing!

Once we found out that Belair was going to be in the corners of Brookfield, only 20 minutes away from my house, we were ecstatic. The free chips and salsa were always a drawing point because you are immediately served. The staff is always accommodating when my family asks for five baskets of chips before the food comes. The reasonable prices for the freshness of the food is another drawing point when choosing where to eat. You are definitely getting your money's worth of food. Most of the time I am so full on chips and salsa I only eat a taco or two, but I have no regrets because I know I will be able to eat Belair two days in a row.

Each experience I have had at Belair, the service was remarkable. I have never had an issue with waiting time because they call you when your table is ready allowing you to shop around in the stores nearby. One specific time, I had a hair in my food but it didn’t dampen my love for the restaurant because of how the staff handled it. They brought me new food and didn’t charge me anything for my meal.

Overall, the food, atmosphere, service and location are only a few of the many good things about Belair Cantina. I have always walked out of the door full on great food and chewing gum holding a seasonal sticker in my hand, with no complaints. Belair will always be my number one restaurant choice because of the service and the casual atmosphere to enjoy delicious food with friends.

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