Southwest Airlines: The Easiest Way to Fly | Teen Ink

Southwest Airlines: The Easiest Way to Fly

December 18, 2018
By juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During air travel, sometimes you can get caught up in the hussle and bussle of many people going to many different places. Usually because of this, air travel is stressful and overwhelming. You need to know exactly where you’re going and you must be on time or else you will not make your flight. You have to anticipate the lines and amount of people that will be travelling to different places as well. You must go through ticketing, check your bags, go through security, and lastly make it to your gate before you can even board your plane. All of these steps are usually time consuming and tedious, especially around the holidays or spring break, but Southwest makes them all less of a hassle.

I have been flying different places since I was 3 months old. I could navigate through the airport with my eyes closed. My family and I go on vacation every Christmas to visit my grandparents. The last 5 Christmases we have flown with Southwest Airlines. The last 5 Christmases we have had no worries about bag fees, delayed or cancelled planes, or bad customer service thanks to Southwest Airlines.

The customer service at Southwest is incomparable. Everytime I fly with them the clerks do more than take your luggage and check you in. They ask you about your destination and your travel plans. They care about you as a customer. After each flight, the last thing you see is the pilot taking his time to step out of the cabin to wave you off. From the bag check women and men, flight attendants, and pilots, they are always happy to help you and make sure that you have the best experience possible. For me, that is how I separate Southwest from other popular airlines. Southwest is the best airline you could fly based on their service.

It is not just me who feels this way. According to, “Southwest also takes #10 on the 2012 Customer Service Hall of Fame” (Webb-Morgan, M.). JD Power’s 2017 North American Airline Satisfaction Survey says that “among low-cost carriers, Southwest Airlines ranks the highest” (JD Power 2017 North American Airline Satisfaction Survey).

Although Southwest has a nontraditional way of seating, it has really grown on my family and I. You get a ticket that has a boarding number on it, not an assigned seat. As you board the plane you line up with other people in numerical order and sit where ever you would like. You don’t need to worry about first class or paying for the best seat on the plane, you just find the seat you want. I really like this aspect because it makes flying less formal, you feel at home.

Southwest makes travelling enjoyable and easy. Usually, most people think of travelling as a hassle, because it is. If you fly Southwest, I promise you that you will not feel that way anymore. From the friendly staff, to all the amazing offers they provide, you will feel at home when you are flying with Southwest.

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