Sonnets by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Sonnets

By Catsgotstyle GOLD
South Plainfield, New Jersey

I wake up knowing it is a warm day. The soft chirp of brids outside contents me. I walk outside to feel the hot sun's ray I look around at the summer's beauty I see t...
Catsgotstyle GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It will trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And all it leaves you in the end is a few incredible memories you can never shake."

South Plainfield, New Jersey
JASMIN14 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By southhockey BRONZE
South Plainfield, New Jersey
southhockey BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By Kbuschan PLATINUM
South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kbuschan PLATINUM, South Plainfield, New Jersey
25 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fall in love or fall in hate; Get inspired or be depressed; Ace a test or flunk a class; Make babies or make art; Speak the truth or lie and cheat; Dance on tables or sit in the corner; Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Breathe. And enjoy the ride...

By mr.piggy2 BRONZE
South Plainfield, New Jersey
mr.piggy2 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if the cuckoo dont sing then be a little cuckoo and sing yourself"

By Anonymous
By Anonymous
By xcbutters BRONZE
South Plainfield, New Jersey
xcbutters BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By zhodge BRONZE
South Plainfield, New Jersey
zhodge BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By Kayla Carigma BRONZE
South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kayla Carigma BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments