Necessary Vagueness | Teen Ink

Necessary Vagueness

November 30, 2016
By chanizard BRONZE, Houston, Texas
chanizard BRONZE, Houston, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her body cascades onto a clean sheet
Moans voice themselves when my hands go to work
She squirms and writhes beneath the restraints heat
Sweat pools above my lips curved into a smirk

Her toes curl and back arches with her scream
The image is the icing on the cake
So pretty it might as well be a dream
I keep going until I make her break

Her limbs become limp and her breathing slows
Her heartbeat gradually goes to rest
With each final breath along goes her woes
I smile knowing I performed my best.

And so finally my victim is dead.
but it didn't stop the thoughts in my head

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