To Mom | Teen Ink

To Mom

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

My Mother has wings.
She is not of this Earth.
She was kind, she was gentle.
She showed us what we were worth.

My Mother has a halo.
It shimmers in the sun.
Since she is gone, the Earth has lost,
But Heaven has truly won.

My Mom had eyes of the bluest oceans
Though, in three kids, it does not show.
Our eyes beam brown like dirt on the ground.
Except for my young brother, Joe.

My mother never wore perfume.
She always smelled like home.
She worked long nights to keep the lights,
but we never felt alone.

My mother was a mother.
All four of us knew,
that no matter where she was
she loves us, and we all  love her too.

The author's comments:

When I was eleven years old (2012), my mother passed away in her sleep. I wrote this to remind me of who my mom was and how much my siblings and I loved her. This one's for her; Rest easy, mom. -J.J.

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