To The Living Ghost | Teen Ink

To The Living Ghost

October 20, 2015
By Inkwelldone BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Inkwelldone BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How many times have people used a pen or paintbrush because they couldn’t pull the trigger?" - Virginia Woolf

This is a  sonnet  because of you and
your opinions on Shakespeare, reminding
me of you; shaking in fear, clammy hands,
on the floor whining about me finding
you. I remember you saying I “ got
it”. We walked sharing headphones, tapping our
feet on the cobblestones, boots harsh but not
loud enough to draw attention that far.
Your smile lit up the  room, we didn't need light.
I could sleep in a dark room with you , but
the monsters under the bed wanna fight.
You left with few words, “ I love you too” cut
short. Unlike you. You’re pretty tall, a space
under 6ft, I can not fill, fatal case.

The author's comments:

This is for anyone who has lost somebody in anyway, and lost a part of themselves because of it.It's about trying to be there for someone who can never quite be there for you.

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