The Night I Became One With Time | Teen Ink

The Night I Became One With Time

November 27, 2014
By AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I traveled along a dark path one night,
I found a man, who told me of a curse,
Who told me he could show me the last light,
The light at the end of the universe.

I grabbed his hand and ran away through time,
I saw things beyong my wildest dreams, stars
Growing cold, being born, whole lifetimes,
Passing me by, fleeting, like fast cars.

Saw the beginning of all, Creation
I saw pain and anguish, everlasting.
The End, damnation of generations
My life came flashing, and I understood:

Only through time was I able to see
All that make us human, all the beauty.

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