My Defied Father | Teen Ink

My Defied Father

November 22, 2014
By AyeshaNasser SILVER, Faiha, Other
AyeshaNasser SILVER, Faiha, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams Are Today's Answers To Tomorrow's Questions !

The first one whom I loved in this world,
The truest love that can never be sold;

The first time when I said dad,
The time behalf of me you were glad;

The days when you made me laugh,
The nights when you medicated my cough;

The times when from you I learned how to talk,
The moments when you thought me how to walk;

The sufferings because of you alone I never faced,
Now I feel like I am graced;

Having a dad like you was my fate,
Letting you go isn't really my faith;

Father, I only need you beside me now,
Even if there were many in the row;

I assure I'll always be in your heart with you,
And believe I'll never grieve as I always love you!

The author's comments:

Having a father isn't in everyone's fate, but having a defied father isn't fortune too ????

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