If Men Did Not Exist | Teen Ink

If Men Did Not Exist

June 4, 2014
By DomenicaOrdonez BRONZE, Quito, Other
DomenicaOrdonez BRONZE, Quito, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh God, if men did not exist, how dull,
How vague, how mild and plain, would this life be.
No rush or confusion, no baffled soul,
No heart songs or battles to fully breathe.

I am, indeed, a feminist, but still,
Oh God, if men did not exist, no rain,
No ocean, no baiting awning, no wind, nor chill,
No stars in the night, and no gleaming chain.

Like silencing the fragrance of roses,
Like forgetting the cold, the one that proves
You own your flesh, and drawing dun ashes
Instead of sunsets, and withering youths.

Oh God, if men did not exist, the breeze
Would die, and too the fire in her frigid knees.

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