What Satisfies Your Heart | Teen Ink

What Satisfies Your Heart

May 30, 2014
By SuperNovaStar BRONZE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
SuperNovaStar BRONZE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every time I hear a song, I see a story." -Me

To capture a moment within a frame,
To stain a canvas with natures beauty,
Is a desire that burns like a flame.
But will it bring you the worlds harsh cruelty?
To scrape your pencil across a paper,
To run and press your fingers on the keys,
Is a feeling that can't wait for later.
But with the worlds eyes, comes a sure unease.
To hear your voice surrounding you, perfect
To hear your notes played from your instrument
Can calm your heart, no matter how upset.
But will your song be played in dissonant?
Just ignore the world, and do your grand art.
As long as your art satisfies your heart.

The author's comments:
A friends sonnet inspired me to write this.

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