Letting go | Teen Ink

Letting go

March 28, 2014
By hadleyrase SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
hadleyrase SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting here looking through all of my pictures,
I can't believe it's time for you to go.
We have shared such great memories and adventures;
I just want to travel back to the first hello.

This goodbye can only make us stronger,
To God I will hope and pray.
I wish I could grasp on a little longer,
But now we have reached the last day.

I finished packing the rest of your stuff;
It is waiting by the edge of the door
All I want to do is huff and puff, but
My heart can't take the pain anymore.

When winter rolls around you'll make your way back home,
But until that moment comes I must let you go off and alone.

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