Where am I? | Teen Ink

Where am I?

March 19, 2014
By JPoetry123 BRONZE, Danville, Indiana
JPoetry123 BRONZE, Danville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk unsure of where to go
Not knowing where I am
How I got here I do not know
I feel like a stranded lamb

There is only fear inside my heart
Where to go is unknown
I feel like I am falling apart
I never knew I could feel so alone

I hope for someone to find me
But that is an unlikely event
For nobody can hear my longing plea
I feel like all hope has been bent

Where I am is uncertain
Feeling this lost is sickening
I feel like I have been draped with an invisible curtain.
My worry is now thickening

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