Child With Green Boots | Teen Ink

Child With Green Boots

July 20, 2013
By OrienteP BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
OrienteP BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a boy with green boots

which was given at the age of five

by a father who left only taking his suits

that went away so his child could strive

The boy grew up all alone

forcing him to live a life of petty crime

but met a family who have him a home

a family that would change him to be sublime

One Day the child grew up

and found himself in a situation

a poor child with two green boots and a paper cup

he treats the boy to lunch to end his starvation

The grown up boy learned from his life's strife

that people can change and have a better life

The author's comments:
This is inspired from a book I am writing now in my freetime, I had the idea for the book when i had a dream and woke up and just wrote it down without stopping, leading me to start writing a book that I hope one will make it to the shelves and then adapted to a movie.

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