Lights Turned On | Teen Ink

Lights Turned On

May 18, 2013
By scg1195 BRONZE, Roanoke, Texas
scg1195 BRONZE, Roanoke, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the sun rises in the morning time,
The people in the town begin to wake,
Citizens go to work to make their dimes,
Working jobs for money to buy and take.

Day jobs in the city in a small desk,
Mothers taking care of their little kids,
Others making money with jobs grotesque,
The government creating laws that are forbid.

All of them finishing their jobs at night,
While the lights are left on for the new work,
The hard workers have a future quite bright,
Finding the best ways to keep up their perk.

The city never stops for any time,
With workers getting higher in their climb.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to state how the city never stops; it is always at a fast pace. It is titled in honor of Donald Glover.

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