On the edge | Teen Ink

On the edge

May 13, 2013
By mraza BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
mraza BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1. The sunlight fading as his eyes start closing
2. His mind caves as an avalanche would fall
3. He feels no pain his loved ones feel the sting
4. Death pounding on the door as he tries to stall
5. Now he wants to forgive and forget it
6. It took him up until his last heartbeat
7. To realize all the damage that he did
8. As he repents his sins forgiveness he seeks
9. But why did he wait until he was sick
10. To ask for mercy on his very last day
11. While he lays with a calm face and cracked lips
12. His time is up and now to god he will pay
13. Be the one to change make a difference
14. Don’t sit and wait time is of the essence

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