More than a Sonnet | Teen Ink

More than a Sonnet

May 3, 2013
By SwannS DIAMOND, Clifford Township, Pennsylvania
SwannS DIAMOND, Clifford Township, Pennsylvania
65 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is our memories that kill us." -In Memorium

The nightmares come like spiders,
they spin webs around my bed.
The nightmares sound like flies
buzzing, swarming in my head.
The nightmares keep me up all day
pondering over meaning.
The nightmares give me messages
that can be so demeaning.
The nightmares feed on failure,
but can always change preference.
The nightmares leave marks like
reminders of my sentence.
The nightmares follow weakness,
scent it in the darkest nights.
(The nightmares do not scare me,
because I have won the fight.)

The author's comments:
I wrote this intending for it to be a sonnet, but I realized it was too long. Problem solved.

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