Our Gestures | Teen Ink

Our Gestures

April 26, 2013
By ayooayoo23 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
ayooayoo23 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking out at you, many feelings appear
Thoughts as well flashing in and out, out and in
The words you speak are soundless, I cannot hear
I do not have the decency of askin

Walking pass me I tend to glimpse not just once
Catching my stare, I look down my heart racing
Acting as if nothing’s wrong, just being us
Looking upwards at you, my eyes just dazing

Sitting while you give me the gesture to sit
Taking a seat beside you, head in your chest
My heart beats faster stopping a little bit
Your hand on top of mines, fingers at a rest

Looking in my eyes pushing my hair aside
That feeling I adore, you’re my ride or die

The author's comments:
this poem was a homework assignment but i took it upon myself to actually include what i was thinking of at the time and the poem explains a specific person's and my gestures when around each other.

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