Fearless Love | Teen Ink

Fearless Love

February 5, 2013
By Leissam BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Leissam BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The days I don’t see you I want to cry.
Those are the days that I want to fight back the tears,
And yet that is the hardest thing to try.
I have to train myself to fight back the fears.
The feeling of being alone is very sad.
I’ am very blessed to have finally met you,
The thought of not having you makes me mad.
When we are together my sky is completely blue.
When I look into your eyes, my heart pumps fast.
But best of all is that I have you all to myself,
It’s good to know that I will be your last,
It is a reward that I note to self.

Somehow you make my heart melt away,

And that is why my sun shines bright everyday.

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