Against All Odds | Teen Ink

Against All Odds

December 4, 2012
By ChosenOne328 BRONZE, Palm Beach, Florida
ChosenOne328 BRONZE, Palm Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I lay awake at night
Your words run through my head.
The fire that you had for me
Is very close to dead.
You say you have much stress right now
And feel it's right to go
But I can't bear to even think
A life without you so
I'm here to tell you please don't leave
I've never done you wrong
For if you do, I'll be so sad
When I think of all those times we had

These things right now I'm going through,
They've never been my fault
If you stick with me, you'll see
They'll soon come to a halt.

I though that you'd be proud of me
Can't you see I'm fighting?
Fighting for a better life that doesn't have much crying.
You have the truth, you know it all
You know that I'm not lying
Don't leave me when I need you most
It's the reason why I'm writing

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