Dance to the Music | Teen Ink

Dance to the Music

November 4, 2012
By Cjohn BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
Cjohn BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two young teens apparently too insane

With epileptic thrusts and graceful sway

One would question, is this young people’s way?

Confusing movements are hard to explain!

People wondered and looked on with disdain

At the hearty laughter these teens display.

“Could these teens be out of their mind?” they say.

Likewise, I would much like to ascertain.

Their sweaty bodies looked tired and wiped out

Their throats are parched and a drink they would like.

Still they laughed so hard ‘til they almost cried,

Laughter on their faces show fun no doubt

Dancing to muted music with no mike.

Two teens danced to music they had inside.

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