Math Sonnet | Teen Ink

Math Sonnet

July 16, 2012
By RescueSwimmer5 GOLD, Port Charlotte, Florida
RescueSwimmer5 GOLD, Port Charlotte, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you won't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.

All these problems and yet I do not know,
is that an integer or exponent?
Which one is right, wrong, yes or even no?
Hold on everyone! I can handle it!
Wait- I need help- I already messed up.
That is wrong and I do not understand.
I prefer to write books than do this…stuff,
Trying to do this is like eating sand!
And while the girl next to me gets a “B”
I get back my test and find a “D”.

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